Sean Treacys Hurling Club London

Founded 1958

Very sad to hear of the sudden death of John Cormack

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The Club is very sad and shocked to hear of the death of John Cormack.

Seán Treacy's have lost one of the greatest Gaels in our club's history.

He was recently voted in at our AGM to be awarded club Presidency for 2024.

Our thought's and prayers are with his family and friends,.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam Dílis

Reposing in Rosegreen Community Hall (Eircode E25 RD34) on Sunday (April 7th) from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Requiem Mass on Monday (April 8th) in St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Rosegreen at 12.00 noon and can be viewed on followed by Burial in Rosegreen Cemetery.

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